Touchdown News
From work anniversaries to team socials and new starters, you can stay up to date with all the latest Touchdown news from one of the top PR agencies.
A day in the life at Touchdown PR with Emily McCormack
Follow UK Junior Account Executive, Emily McCormack as she takes you through what a typical day...
Touchdown’s thoughts on cybersecurity
Following on from CEO James Carter’s recent interview in The Times newspapers’ exclusive Raconteur...
Meet the Team – MAC’s first six months at a PR agency
By Mary Anne Connolly, Senior Account Supervisor My first six months at PR agency, Touchdown PR...
World Day for Cultural Diversity: Exploring diversity in public relations
By Chris Soto, Account CoordinatorTouchdown PR may be headquartered in Austin, Texas USA, but our...
Successful PR campaigns that inspired my career
By Isabel Lawson, Account CoordinatorPrior to starting my career in PR, I didn’t realise just how...
Maintaining company culture with hybrid working
By Shannon Cieciuch, Account SupervisorIn just over 10 years, the number of employees who work...
Reflecting on 2021: Touchdown PR’s highlights
By Alexandra Morris, Brand & Marketing Manager As Touchdown’s 15th year draws to a close, we...
2021 PR campaigns: The biggest and the best
By Emily McCormack, Account Coordinator As a newcomer to the PR industry, I’ve found it helpful to...
Our predictions: PR and marketing trends for 2022
By Jeff Tieszen, Account DirectorLet Touchdown take you through our predictions for PR and...
National Publicist Day: What publicists do for your business and why they should be celebrated
By Alexandra Morris, Brand & Marketing ManagerToday marks National Publicist Day, a day that...
Getting to know Touchdown PR: Our story
By Jorge Ramos, Account Coordinator Touchdown PR was founded in 2006 in the UK by James Carter...
Reflecting on the 20-Year Anniversary of 9/11
By Shannon Cieciuch, Account Supervisor Public relations professionals are trained to handle our...
Women’s equality in PR: Recognizing Women’s Equality Day in the PR industry
By Alexandra Morris, Brand & Marketing Manager Today is Women's Equality Day, the day in which...
Meet the Team – Jorge Ramos
Last month, our US office welcomed former Tech Specialist and Public Relations graduate, Jorge...
Derrick Shannon: Hip hip hooray, 5 years today!
Account Director, Derrick Shannon celebrates his 5 year anniversary with Touchdown PR today!...