Rachael Birt: Hip hip hooray, 5 years today!
Today, Account Manager, Rachael Birt turns 5 with Touchdown PR! Since joining us as a PR Graduate back in 2017, Rachael has seen 6 promotions, worked on 14 client accounts and joined the team on one of the largest offsites in Touchdown history, Bandera, Texas.
“I started working at Touchdown straight after completing my degree in English Language and Literature, and was excited to kickstart my career in PR. Being brand new to the world of B2B tech was a little daunting at first, but I learnt everything I needed to know on the job, and have never looked back! The past five years have flown by, and in that time I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of clients and am proud of the PR strategies that we’ve delivered for them all.”
One of the things Rachael enjoys the most in her role as Account Manager is working closely with and supporting the junior team throughout their development, particularly as they are starting out exactly as she did.
“Many of our Account Executives start out as graduates – just like I did – and I love helping them develop into PR pros as they build confidence in their own abilities and learn new skills that enable them to progress through the company. Teamwork is a vital part of the culture at Touchdown, and being able to help new colleagues feel like valued members of the team is so important to me.”
Rachael works with a number of clients ranging from cybersecurity, data management, DevOps and FinTech however one of the creative projects she’s worked on to date, is a flash mob for Glasswall at Infosecurity Europe 2022.
“From coming up with the initial ideas for how to make an impact at the show, to helping choose music and choreography to best represent Glasswall’s technology, this project was fun from start to finish. Seeing the end result performed at the show in London in front of an unsuspecting crowd was a real highlight for the whole team, as we saw our efforts come to life!”
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