by touchdownpr | Oct 28, 2021 | Touchdown Blog
National Publicist Day: What publicists do for your business and why they should be celebrated By Alexandra Morris, Brand & Marketing Manager Today marks National Publicist Day, a day that recognizes publicists around the country and the PR they provide each day....
by touchdownpr | Oct 4, 2021 | Cybersecurity PR, Fintech PR, Recent News
Making the case for customer case studies By Rachael Birt, Account Manager When you’re browsing an online store, looking for anything from clothes to furniture, often one of the ways you decide if a product is worth buying is by reading reviews. Who else has bought...
by touchdownpr | Sep 20, 2021 | Touchdown Blog
Getting to know Touchdown PR: Our story By Jorge Ramos, Account Coordinator Touchdown PR was founded in 2006 in the UK by James Carter with a goal to deliver exceptional results to tech companies around the world. Fast forward 15 years later, and Touchdown PR is a...
by touchdownpr | Sep 9, 2021 | Touchdown Blog
Reflecting on the 20-Year Anniversary of 9/11 By Shannon Cieciuch, Account Supervisor Public relations professionals are trained to handle our clients’ crises as they arise. These incidents may occur at a moment’s notice, and require coordination between internal...
by touchdownpr | Aug 26, 2021 | Touchdown Blog
Women’s equality in PR: Recognizing Women’s Equality Day in the PR industry By Alexandra Morris, Brand & Marketing Manager Today is Women’s Equality Day, the day in which women in the US were given the constitutional right to vote, 51 years ago. Women’s...