Meet the Team – Gemma Carter
Our newest UK graduate, Gemma Carter, got off to a racing start at Touchdown – as we embarked on our Team social at Mercedes Benz World in her first week!
We asked a few quick-fire questions to get to know our newest teammate a little bit better:
Cheesy Chips or Ketchup Chips?
Cheesy chips with ketchup? Ketchup and cheese are literally my two favourite things, please don’t make me choose
First CD you ever bought?
Breakout by Miley Cyrus – I was the BIGGEST Hannah Montana fan
Cocktail or Mixers (eg vodka and coke)?
Cocktails!!! Even better if they’re 2 for 1 😉
Why Touchdown PR?
Touchdown has given me the opportunity to start a career as a completely blank canvas with the chance to learn, develop, and be challenged within a supportive environment
My family are huge inspirations to me – I always strive to make them proud
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Positive, ambitious and dedicated
Fun fact about you?
I have performed at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London’s West End
What are you currently reading?
The Other Passenger by Louise Candlish – so many plot twists, I highly recommend!!!
Do you have a nickname?
Gem or Gems and my parents call me Little Gems because I’m the baby of the family
Greatest achievement?
Finishing my degree and starting this job two weeks later was pretty special